Cybersecurity has been a trending topic for the past decade or so, but with cyber threats increasing at rapid speeds, now is the time for businesses to equip their team with comprehensive security measures to protect personal data and critical company information.

According to CNBC, data breaches in 2020 have increased by more than 270% compared to last year. Many IT professionals warn that it is not a matter of if your business will be targeted by cybercriminals, but when.

The average cost of a single data breach or cyberattack was around $200,000 in 2019. With an estimated 43% of all cyberattacks involving small to mid-sized businesses, prioritizing security efforts is critical. Luckily, your team doesn’t have to be experts in cybersecurity in order to implement strategic safety measures.

The experts at SST are here to walk your organization through a risk assessment, provide recommendations and assist in implementing policies that will strengthen your IT security and minimize potential data loss. Learn more by watching the video below, or contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Special thanks to SST Operations Supervisor Ashley Henson for providing the content for this post.