Business Versus Entertainment Expenses

Most businesses seek to reduce their tax burden by taking advantage…

Business Versus Personal Expenses

As organizations launch into the new year, reestablishing certain…

More Information on PPP2 & Employee Retention Credits

Please note: This blog is current to the date of its publication,…

Nonprofit Document Retention

A common question asked within all organizations, but especially…

Higher Education Institutions: Year-End Planning & Composite Score Calculations

As the year draws to a close, it’s time for higher education…

Nonprofits: Year-End 2020 Notices for Your Donors

As we approach the end of 2020, nonprofit donors need to be made…

How Employers Approach Salaries and Bonuses

With the new year comes potential new hires, and employers across…

CARES Act: Increased Charitable Contribution Limits for Individuals & Corporations

Please note: This blog is current to the date of its publication,…

Year-End Payroll Tips from SST

As organizations of all industry sectors and sizes prepare for…

IRS Notices for Late Payments & Late Filings

Please note: This blog is current to the date of its publication,…